Device name(s): Forced Turn Barriers/Forced Turn Islands/Right turn Islands
Approximate Cost: $1000 – $15,000
Definition: Forced turn islands are striped or raised medians that channelize traffic at an intersection. Their purpose is to prevent cut through traffic or undesired turning movements from entering or exiting a street.
Fast Facts:
- Can be used on Local Street- yes
- Can be used on Collector- yes
- Can be used on Arterial- no
- Reduces Speed- no
- Reduces Volume- yes
- Noise Impact- no
- Restricts Access- yes
- Bicyclist Impact- possible
- Transit Impact- yes
- Parking Impact- possible
- Emergency Response Impact- no
- reduces cut-through traffic
- changes driving patterns
- may reduce both speeds and volumes
- can have positive aesthetic value
- increases pedestrian safety
- may diverge traffic to adjacent streets
- increases response time for emergency vehicles
- may increase trip length for rather
- can create circuitous roots for local residents and emergency service vehicles
- neighborhoods with non-local traffic volume problems