Device name(s): Radar Speed Monitoring Trailers
Approximate Cost:
Definition: A SMART set (Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer) is a portable, self-contained speed display unit. This unit operates on batteries that are charged by either a 110-volt power source or attached solar cells. A fully charged unit, without available sunlight, may be used for up to three days depending on traffic volume. A mobile radar display sign informs drivers of their traveling speed.
Fast Facts:
- Can be used on Local Street- yes
- Can be used on Collector-
- Can be used on Arterial-
- Reduces Speed- yes
- Reduces Volume- no
- Noise Impact- no
- Restricts Access- no
- Bicyclist Impact- no
- Transit Impact- no
- Parking Impact- possible
- Emergency Response Impact- no
- makes motorists aware of the speed they are traveling and the posted speed limit
- self enforcing where compliance is voluntary
- highly visible
- does not require a police officer to be present
- passive informational tool
- no impact on emergency services
- cost of equipment and maintenance
- requires towing, set-up and storage
- possible target of vandalism
- temporary effectiveness
- cannot be used on narrow streets due to fire department minimums
- may reduce number of on street parking stalls
- must be requested for a specific area