Device name(s): Woonerf
Approximate Cost:
Definition: A Woonerf is a Dutch term for “living yard” which integrates sidewalks and roadways into one surface, creating the impression of a guard and create a shared space used by both pedestrians and motor vehicles (in the U.K. these are called “home zones”). A woonerf create a situation where drivers and pedestrians are placed on the same level (no curbs) and drivers are directed along a path by bollards, street furniture, trees and varied and pavement treatment. Quite a few of these measures are in place in densely developed European cities.
Fast Facts:
- Can be used on Local Street-yes
- Can be used on Collector- no
- Can be used on Arterial- no
- Reduces Speed- yes
- Reduces Volume- yes
- Noise Impact- possible
- Restricts Access- yes
- Bicyclist Impact- possible
- Transit Impact- yes
- Parking Impact- yes
- Emergency Response Impact- yes
- slows traffic speed
- shared usage of the right-of-way but all users
- very expensive to retrofit existing street
- difficult for emergency vehicles to access
- limited application in suburban settings
- 85th percentile speed is 5 mph above the speed limit or greater
- 60% of households in affected area must support